Who are we ?
DLP stands for Danish Light-commercial Producers
“The shortest way to Light-commercial – The shorts way to the manufacture”Is our joint message to the world.
The 5 of February 1969 10 of the trades most well known companies founded the association “Association of Danish Light-commercial Producers” – today “DLP”
The union happened with the following goals:
- To promote the knowledge of the use of signs and light commercial towards users, architects, designers and public administration
- To secure access to the latest information on technological development, new material and new product opportunities
- To ensure the members and the trade association’s commercial interest trough a tight and developing cooperation with associated partners/the trades sub contractors
- To promote a higher quality level among the member companies by constantly educating the employees in production as in Sales and administration
- To secure the members wish of a good exposal of the significances, that define good signs – the special mixture of technological opportunities and communicate the commercial messages
- To communicate the message “When dealing with a DLP member, you can be sure of a fair and professional treatment”
To become a member of DLP it is demanded:
- That production of significant components like sign boxes, neon displays, working in plastic, metal and other materials is taken place
- That production exclusively is dedicated to signs and light commercials and the montage of those
- That equipment and qualified employees for montage and service of sign and light commercials are available
- That is has been established at least 5 years
- That is has a well established reputation both financially as in the trade
DLP is today a member of the international organization ESF.